Latest Articles

Should I stay or should I go? What to do with my therapist?

Picture this: you finally get the courage to seek out counseling, you have your first session (not knowing what to expect or look for), and...

Social Media โ€“ Good or Bad?

I had been a member of Facebook since 2009.ย  The social media App was mostly used on my phone.ย  Over the years I thought about...

Is this my Aging Process?

None of us are getting any younger.ย  With each passing year the months seem to dash past more quickly. We observe babies turning into toddlers...
I Want Counseling, Now What?

I Want Counseling, Now What?

So you have decided to focus on yourself and have started exploring the idea of counseling. Congratulations, you have taken the biggest step of all...

Are you Flourishing?

Most people are able to visit a medical doctor when their bodies tell them that something is not quite right or has unexplained pain, but...

What is Killing Your Relationship?

John Gottman, a researcher and clinician, founded the Gottman Institute dedicated to saving and enriching marriage relationships. One aspect he looks for in marriages is...

Goodbye 2020… Hello 2021!

Ahh... the new year.ย  It is a symbol of renewal of life and the birth of new hope.ย  It bursts with the opportunity for inspiration...
How We Can Help

The CBT Triangle

Our Cognitive Triangle Sometimes we get stuck in our own thoughts and it is not a good thing because we might have negative thought patterns....


Daniel Amen, M.D and founder of Amen Cinics ( came up with an acronym, A.N.T.S - Automatic Negative Thoughts.ย  He had come home from work...

When You Don’t See Eye To Eye

Some of my friends have decided to remove themselves from social media.ย  Most are citing negative posts and mean comments when people do not see...

No More Mom Guilt!

As I picked up my kids from daycare yesterday I was met by the owner who handed me a cookie with #NoMoreMomGuilt painted across the...

Feeling Emotionally Connected

Often times couples that have been together for awhile or have experienced the life change of having children will find themselves struggling to feel emotionally...

Do you feel like youโ€™re stuck? Like your life just isnโ€™t getting better? Has this been going on for 6 months or more? It may be time to insider counseling.

Partner with Us for the Hope and Healing You Deserve Today!

We know making that first call is hard and a bit intimidating. You don't know us, and opening up to a stranger is uncomfortable. We will work hard to make you feel at ease and safe. If you are contemplating calling or emailing us, do it now!ย  Please don't put it off. And let's start on your journey of getting your life back. Take the first step to Hope and Healing - Contact Us Today!

We are a team of licensed and trained therapists, passionate about their work, non-judgmental, and eager to meet and get to know you. We accept everyone regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation, or sexual identity.